HSE Master’s Programmes Open House Day Features New Programmes Taught Entirely Online
This year HSE University is admitting applicants to nine practice-oriented Master's programmes in sought-after specialities in IT, management, economics, and finance. On March 13 and 14, 2021 at HSE’s Open Day for Master’s programmes, academic supervisors and representatives of partner companies described the features of these programmes.

HSE Open House: Where Physicists Study
Students in the Faculty of Physics, one of the newest departments at HSE, will find a homey atmosphere, understanding teachers, and the opportunity to engage in science from the first year of studies. Physics students Arslan Galiullin (2nd year) and Sofia Lopatina (1st year) will be our guides for this instalment of the Open House project.

HSE School of Psychology Moves to Centre of Moscow
The School of Psychology has moved to Armyansky Pereulok, which was a long-awaited event for HSE psychology students. The school was previously located at one of the university’s more remote campuses on Volgogradsky Prospekt. The HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making also made an important move recently, this time into the university’s building on Krivokolenny Pereulok. Below we show and discuss where and how HSE students will be learning starting this September.

Where Mathematicians Are Made
This summer, the HSE Faculty of Mathematics moved into a new building on Usacheva Street. As part of the Open House project, two HSE students – Petr Ogarok, a second-year student in the Mathematics programme, and Anastasia Matveeva, a first-year master’s student in the Mathematics and Mathematical Physics programme – gave an excursion around the new building.

Where Teachers, Principals, and Education Researchers Learn
Portrait galleries of renowned scientists, research laboratories right next to large classrooms and auditoriums, educational programmes for students and principals – these are just a few of the things discussed during an excursion around the HSE Institute of Education as part of the Open House project. Victoria Malova, a second-year student in the Evidence-Based Education Policy master’s programme, and Denis Federiakin, a second-year student in the Measurement in Psychology and Education master’s programme, served as the tour guides for the day.

Where Journalism, PR, and Advertising Experts Are Made
Student-run television studios, artwork, effective advertising examples, and walls with headlines from Kommersant – these are just a few of the things discussed during an Open House excursion around the buildings where students specialising in media and communications study.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025