'These Are Unforgettable Impressions, I Will Cherish Them Forever'
HSE St Petersburg International Summer School is in full swing—right now, international students from 12 countries are attending lectures and enjoying the cultural programme. The HSE News Service talked to the participants about their most vivid impressions.

‘My Advice Is to Buy Mandarins, Bake Ginger Biscuits, and Watch New Year’s Films!’
Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia. Below, we offer the third and final part of their interviews.

‘Winter in Russia is a Season of Romance and Cold, Solemnity and Vitality’
Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia.
Austria Day in HSE Nizhny Novgorod Campus – for the Whole City
Austria Day took place in the HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus, which has close connections with Austrian universities. The event is part of the Austrian Cultural Season, which started in Moscow in the middle of May and is taking place in 17 Russian cities.
Virtual Trip to Real Alps
A series of meetings for students and teachers as part of the lecture course on ‘European Civilizations’ is currently taking place at the HSE Nizhny Novgorod Austrian Library. On February 20th a lecture on ‘Austria in the European Context’ was given by Ursula Maurich, Expert for bilateral cooperation at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture.
The Ambassador of Austria to Russia, Dr. Margot Klestil-Löffler, opened an Austrian Library at the HSE
Austria, country of paradoxes, very small geographically but very big culturally, home of Mozart, Freud and Rilke, is now linked to Nizhny Novgorod. On November 28th 2011, an Austrian Library was opened in the HSE building in Nizhny Novgorod, becoming the fourth Austrian cultural and educational center in Russia.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025