of those who signed up for HSE courses on Coursera found them useful for their current occupation.
![Smart Guys Turning to Online Courses Illustration for news: Smart Guys Turning to Online Courses](/data/2014/07/30/1311397162/1Marin%20%20Puskaric%202.jpg)
Smart Guys Turning to Online Courses
Will internet education replace traditional universities? Where are lectures harder to give – in the classroom or in front of the camera? Would George Clooney be convincing in the role of a real teacher? The Dean of the HSE’s Faculty of Psychology Vasily Klyucharev, who conducts a neuroeconomics course on Coursera, provides answers to these questions.
100,000 Students Sign up for HSE Courses at Coursera
The Higher School of Economics joined the project on October 23, 2013 as one of the first Russian universities to partner up with Coursera. At the moment, the HSE offers twelve courses on its page with Coursera.
The Higher School of Economics Partners Up with Coursera
The HSE is now a partner of Coursera, a leading massive open online course (MOOC) platform. Students from all over the world will now have free access to educational courses delivered by professors of the Higher School of Economics.