HSE Signs Academic Exchange Agreement with University of Groningen
The Higher School of Economics has signed a cooperation agreement on exchange programmes for students and lecturers at the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Mathematics with the University of Groningen.

HSE Helps Launch Poncelet Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre
On May 22, Russian and French scientists met in Moscow to sign an agreement to create the French-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre J.-V. Poncelet (ISCP), which the Higher School of Economics helped set up.

HSE Signed Partnership Agreement with Ghent University
Students and doctoral students of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science will have the opportunity to take part in exchange and double degree programmes.
Sberbank and HSE Institute of Education to Cooperate on Landmark 21st Century Skills Project
Sberbank’s Charity Foundation and the HSE Institute of Education have recently agreed to cooperate on a milestone 21st century skills research and development project. With multiple representatives of the academic and business communities, among others, this collaborative endeavour aims to deliver visible improvements to Russia’s education system. In particular, the project will involve devising a clear approach to identifying, evaluating, and deploying core next-generation skills and competencies that consider national socioeconomic and educational contexts alongside global best practice.
Students on the HSE’s Legal Informatics MA Programme Gain Double Degree Option
The Higher School of Economics has signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Nottingham (Great Britain). Now students on the HSE MA Programme in Legal Informatics will be able to receive an LLM (Master of Laws) degree as part of this double-degree programme.

Building an International Master’s Programme: Design of Curriculum and Role of Partnerships
Dirk Meissner, Professor at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge and the Academic supervisor of the Master’s Programme ‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’, has talked to HSE English-language news bulletin, The HSE Look, about programme development and achievements.
HSE Signs Cooperation Agreement with Université Grenoble Alpes
The Higher School of Economics and Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble Alpes University) have signed a cooperation agreement, initiated by HSE Faculty of Computer Science. Under the agreement the universities will organize academic exchange programmes, research and educational activities, and joint research projects.
HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod Campus to Help RAS Institute of Applied Physics to Market its Developments
The HSE Centre of Entrepreneurship in Nizhny Novgorod has started working in close cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) for the purpose of commercializing the latter’s research results. The Centre will help IAP’s scholars market their projects.
Three HSE Educational Projects Receive Support of the European Commission
Funding through the European programme Erasmus+ will be allocated to the development of a Master’s programme in clinical linguistics, the organization of a summer school on institutional analysis, and the creation of Russia's first courses on education law.
Now in its Sixth Year, Russian-Chinese Summer School Becomes a Truly International Event
On July 6, 2016, the VI International Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Affairs came to a close. Run jointly by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and East China Normal University, with sponsorship provided by the Gorchakov Fund, this year’s school focused on the role of institutions in the new global governance architecture.