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Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room S735
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ResearcherID: H-7757-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 36612691900
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Anna Yurko

  • Anna Yurko has been at HSE University since 2008.

Education and Degrees

  • 2008

    PhD in Economics
    University of Texas at Austin
    Thesis Title: Heterogeneous Consumer:How the Demand Affects Outcomes in Vertically Differentiated Markets

  • 2005

    Master's in Economics
    University of Texas

  • 2001

    Degree in Economics
    Saratov Chernyshevsky State University

Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2013, 2012

Other achievements

Winner of Biannual Russian National Award in Applied Economics (joint with coauthors Marco Francesconi and Anna Yurko) for the paper “Democratizing Access to Higher Education in Russia”

Services and Other Activities

Chair of Resources and Procurement Sub-committee

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2020/2021)


Presentations at Conferences

  • Family Economics and Family Policy Conference, ZEW, Mannheim, Germany, November 2013
  • European Association of Labour Economists Conference, Torino, Italy, September 2013 
  • European Economic Association Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden “Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia Using a Dynamic Stochastic Model of Fertility and Employment”, August 2013 
  • Singapore Economic Review Conference, Singapore, August 2011, "Costly Divorce and Marriage Rates"
  • 12-th International Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development, SU-HSE, Moscow “The value of commitment: Marriage choice in the presence of costly divorce", April 2011  
  • 11th International HSE Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development, Moscow, April 2010;
  • "From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages"
  • 43rd Annual Meeting of the CEA, June 2009 "From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages"
  • 10th International HSE Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development, Moscow, April 2009;
  • 7th Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2008), December 2008 "Innovation with Market Concentration and Consumer Income in Dynamic Markets", joint with Mei Lin and Andrew Whinston
  • 42nd Annual Meeting of the CEA, June 2008; WEAI 82nd Annual Conference, June 2007 "How Does Income Inequality Affect Market Outcomes in Vertically Differentiated Markets?"

Areas of Interest

Industrial Organization, Computational Economics, Labor Economics, Family Economics


Working Papers

  • From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages”, revise and resubmit, Journal of Industrial Economics
  • “Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia Using a Dynamic Stochastic Model of Fertility and Employment” (joint with Fabian Slonimczyk)
  • “Costly Divorce and Marriage Rates”

Scholarships and Awards

  • Centre of Advanced Studies Individual Research Grants, 2013
  • ICEF Research grant, 2009
  • Rector's grant for individual research projects, 2009-2010
  • Professional Development Award, University of Texas at Austin Spring 2008
  • Professional Development Award, University of Texas at Austin Spring 2007

Employment History

Marketing Analyst, VolgaTransTelekom, Saratov, Russia 2000 - 2003

Saratov State University, Department of Economics, PhD student 2001 - 2003

Timetable for today

Full timetable

ICEF Webinar for Prospective Master’s Students

At the recently held MSc Financial Economics Webinar, the prospective students learned about the admission requirements, instruction, and prospects after graduation. Invited to speak before the audience were also programme graduates. They shared their experience of starting a career and gave tips on how to achieve academic success and jumpstart career.

In the new year for new knowledge!

We tell you about the traditional online scientific seminars of the laboratory, held in early 2023

Welcome to Hogwarts of Finance: ICEF Held Master’s Students Initiation Ceremony

The students, lecturers and office of the MSc Financial Economics got together for the Welcome Pizza Day, an opportunity to talk informally that involved absorbing presentations and revealed exciting things about each other’s personalities.  

HSE University Graduates Share Their Thoughts on Working Abroad

At a recent webinar of the Master’s programme ‘Financial Economics’, held at ICEF (International College of Economics and Finance), presenters explained why the programme is unique and what sort of career prospects are open to alumni. Graduates of the programme, working at major global companies, shared their personal experiences, spoke about the key benefits of training and gave valuable advice to those preparing to work in international companies.

ICEF Graduates Share Their Thoughts on Working Abroad

At a recent webinar of the Master’s programme ‘Financial Economics’, held at ICEF (International College of Economics and Finance), presenters explained why the programme is unique and what sort of career prospects are open to alumni. Graduates of the programme, working at major global companies, shared their personal experiences, spoke about the key benefits of training and gave valuable advice to those preparing to work in international companies.

HSE Researchers Receive 2020 Russian National Award in Applied Economics

On Wednesday, May 13, the award ceremony for the 2020 Russian National Award in Applied Economics took place on Zoom as part of the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. This year the prize was awarded to Marco Francesconi (University of Essex, UK), Fabián Slonimczyk, and Anna Yurko (HSE University, Moscow)

Seminar «The Effect of Health Shocks on Labour Market Outcomes in Russia»

A joint research seminar of the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies and the Centre for Labour Market Studies was held at HSE on October 15, 2019.

Continuing Last Year’s Success at the Upcoming Conference in Applied Economics

The Second ICEF Conference in Applied Economics will be held at HSE University on September 14. The HSE News service spoke with organizers and participants about the upcoming full-day event, which features eight papers presented by renowned specialists from Russia and across Europe and concludes with an evening dinner.

Research seminar "Estimating effects of 2007 family policy changes on probability of second and subsequent births in Russia"

Speakers - Svetlana Biryukova and Oksana Sinyavskaya (Centre for Family Policy and Quality of Life Studies HSE)

Maternal Capital Leads to Earlier Second Births

Maternal capital has helped increase birthrates in Russia, but its contribution to total fertility has been limited so far, with just 15 more children per 100 women of reproductive age, according to Fabian Slonimczyk and Anna Yurko, Associate Professors at the HSE International College of Economics and Finance. On the other hand, the proportion of women wishing to have more than one child has increased, and postponed births tend to occur sooner than planned, apparently influenced by the country's pro-fertility policies.

Research seminar "The Consequences of the Unified State Exam"

Speakers - Anna Yurko (ICEF HSE)

HSE Researchers Receive Gaidar Award

HSE Professors Anna Yurko and Fabian Slonimczyk have received the prestigious Gaidar Award for young economists. Their research, titled 'Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia,' was published in the respected journal 'Labour Economics', the official publication of the European Association of Labour Economists. Our researchers used mathematical models to assess the impact of maternity capital policy on the birthrate in Russia.

HSE Researchers Receive Gaidar Award

HSE Professors Anna Yurko and Fabian Slonimczyk have received the prestigious Gaidar Award for young economists. Their research, titled 'Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia,' was published in the respected journal 'Labour Economics', the official publication of the European Association of Labour Economists. Our researchers used mathematical models to assess the impact of maternity capital policy on the birthrate in Russia.

‘A Workshop Like This Is Not Only a Show of Results, But Also a Discussion of New Ideas’

In October 2012, the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) and the Higher School of Economics held an international workshop ‘Labor Market Adjustment in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia and China in the Wake of the Great Recession’. Vladimir Gimpelson, Director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies, spoke to us about the event and its results.