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Address: 16 Potapovsky Pereulok, Building 10, room 202
ORCID: 0000-0003-4662-8410
ResearcherID: ABB-9458-2020
Scopus AuthorID: 57211678336
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N. Gabdrakhmanov
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Ekaterina Shibanova

  • Ekaterina Shibanova has been at HSE University since 2015.


I work in research and applied projects in the area of higher education. In addition to that, I participate in scientific seminars, conferences and summer schools organised by the Laboratory for University Development and the Institute of Education. 


Education and Degrees

  • 2023

    Политехнический институт Милана

  • 2016

    BA in Economics
    HSE University, Faculty of Economic Sciences


  • 2020
    AEFP 45th Annual Conference Schedule. Presentation: Degree of (formal and actual) autonomy, performance and efficiency: an empirical analysis of Russian universities in 2014-2018
  • 2019
    CIES Conference (Сан-Франциско). Presentation: Women’s Participation in STEM Higher Education Programs in Russia
  • AEFP Conference (Канзас Сити). Presentation: The Russian Excellence Initiative for Higher Education: an Non-parametric Evaluation of Short-term Results
  • 2018
    Higher Education in modern Ecosystems: Efficiency, Society and Policie (Аугсбург). Presentation: Efficiency of the Universities Participating in Russian Excellence Initiative “Project 5-100”
  • XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция (Москва). Presentation: Efficiency of the Universities Participating in Russian Excellence Initiative “Project 5-100”
  • The 31st conference of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) (Moscow). Presentation: Efficiency of the Universities Participating in Russian Excellence Initiative “Project 5-100”
  • 6th International Workshop on “Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services” (Хаддерсфилд). Presentation: The Russian Excellence Initiative for Higher Education: an Econometric Evaluation of Short-term Results
  • 2017
    5th Workshop on Efficiency in Education “Efficiency in education and performance measurement in public sector” (Будапешт). Presentation: Efficiency of the Universities Participating in Russian Excellence Initiative “Project 5-100”
  • VIII Международная конференция Российской ассоциации исследователей высшего образования (РАИВО) (Москва). Presentation: Efficiency of the Universities Participating in Russian Excellence Initiative “Project 5-100”

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

Research internship in Politecnico di Milano School of Management, February-March 2019

Summer school “The measurement of firms´ efficiency and productivity”, UAM, 2018

VI International Summer School on Higher Education Research, Saint Petersburg, 2018 

Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis, Moscow, 2018 

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2019-2020)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Comparative Analysis of the Educational Systems (Master’s programme; Institute of Education; 2 year, 3 module)Rus

Inequality and Social Cholesterol: How to Find Balance in Society

What are the outcomes of growing inequality? How much inequality is there in Russian healthcare and education? What does Russian society think about inequality? (Spoiler: that it’s excessively high and unfair.) These questions and many others were discussed by Russian and French researchers at the conference ‘Socio-economic Inequality and Poverty in the Modern World: Measures, Dynamics, and Prospects in an Age of Uncertainty’.

Higher Education and State-building: Methaphors of Universities Revisited

How has higher education influenced the evolution of nations since the Second World War—and vice versa? Stanford professor Mitchell Stevens and Institute of Education researcher Ekaterina Shibanova have tried to answer this question in a special issue of the European Journal of Higher Education. They invited renowned historians, political experts, sociologists and economists to develop ‘a consensus on the role of higher education in political and social history after 1945.’ The special issue was created with input from researchers from Canada, Luxembourg, Russia, Germany, France, the UK, and Sweden.

2018 CHER International Higher Education Conference: Firsthand Impressions from IOE Experts

As the 2018 CHER International Higher Education Conference was underway at HSE Moscow during August 30 – September 1, we approached several IOE experts in between the forum sessions to ask about the most interesting topics and areas on the Conference agenda.

Exploring the Role of Higher Education in Modern Ecosystems

In March 2018, a team of researchers at the IOE Laboratory for University Development traveled to Augsburg, Germany to present at this year’s conference, Higher Education in Modern Ecosystems: Efficiency, Society and Policies.