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Irina Zangieva

  • Irina Zangieva has been at HSE University since 2009.

Education and Degrees

  • 2012

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Theory, History and Methods of Sociology
    HSE University

  • 2008

    HSE University

  • 2006

    HSE University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers" (2011)
Category "Future Lecturers" (2010)

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)


  • 2019
    XX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Comparative Analysis of Factoring Methods in Sociological Research: a Monte Carlo study
  • 2017
    The 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) (Лиссабон). Presentation: Comparative analysis of approaches to aggregation of multiple imputation results



Article Prisyazhniuk D., Makoelle T. M., Zangieva I. Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Central Asia // Children and Youth Services Review. 2024. No. 160. Article 107535. doi



Article Зангиева И. К., Лесных К. А. Межгрупповые различия в установках к людям с расстрой­ствами аутистического спектра (РАС) // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. 2020. № 5. С. 559-577. doi







Chapter Зангиева И. К. Решение проблемы неполноты данных массовых опросов. // В кн.: Российская социология завтрашнего дня: Сборник студенческих работ (Вып.3) / Под общ. ред.: Г. В. Иванченко, И. С. Чириков. Вып. 3. М. : Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2008. С. 84-95.

Timetable for today

Full timetable

The Laboratory held a seminar on social attitudes towards vulnerable people

On April 27, 2023, the fourth consultation seminar of the series «Care and Well-being in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Institutions, Discourses, Identities» was held in the Laboratory. The meeting was devoted to the discussion of the topic «Public Attitudes towards Vulnerable People in Russia in the Context of Care and Inclusion Work. A case of ASD».

Two ANR-Lab employees were among the best teachers of HSE University  

Irina Zangieva and Ilia Inshakov were among the best teachers in the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences according to the results of the student elections. 

On April 7-8, within the framework of the Yasin (April) Conference, the section "Network Analysis" was held 

On April 5-22, 2022, the XXII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development organized by NRU HSE takes place. Within the conference framework, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research traditionally organized a section, "Network Analysis," addressed to various theoretical and empirical studies from different disciplines, based on applying theoretical and methodological approaches from the field of network analysis. 

On April 15-16, within the framework of the April conference, the section "Network Analysis" was held

On April 13-23, 2021, the XXII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development organized by NRU HSE was held. Within the conference framework, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research traditionally organized a section, "Network Analysis," addressed to various theoretical and empirical studies from different disciplines, based on applying theoretical and methodological approaches from the field of network analysis.

ANR-Lab staff are the best teachers of 2020

Based on the student assessment of teaching performance, three of our employees were selected as the best teachers and received teaching allowances.

Online Section on Network Analysis at the HSE 2020 April Conference

On April 20-21, the two-day online section “Network Analysis” was held as part of the XXI April International Scientific Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development, organized by the International laboratory of applied network research. Both days were fruitful and rich in scientific communication: the section brought together researchers from different cities of Russia, Slovenia and the USA.

MASNA students were awarded diplomas of winners of HSE student research competition - 2019

On March 4, 2020, in the Durasov’s house in the building on Pokrovsky Boulevard, an award ceremony for the winners of the HSE student research competition - 2019 was held, where Ekaterina Melianova and Kirill Lesnykh, students of the master's programme "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis", were awarded.

Students of MASNA programme and members of ANR-Lab are the winners and laureates of the Student Research Paper Competition held by HSE University

Ekaterina Melianova, Kirill Lesnykh and Marya Vorobyova are the winners and laureates of the HSE Student Research Paper Competition. Congratulations to our students and colleagues and their scientific supervisors Irina Zangieva and Daria Maltseva on winning the competition.