Gain Knowledge and Make Friends from All Over the World with a Master’s in Economics, Politics, and Business in Asia
As political and economic centres shift towards Asia, demand for specialists in the economic, political, and business environment in Asian countries will only increase. The Double Degree Programme in Economics, Politics, and Business in Asia offered by HSE University and Kyung Hee University (Seoul, South Korea) trains graduates with sought-after competencies for careers in international business, banking, government, media, academia, tourism and hospitality, entrepreneurship, and more.

Talking Chinese, Writing Articles, and Drinking Tea: What Chinese Club Students Did this Year
The HSE Chinese Student Club at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs School of Asian Studies has completed its 2021/22 season. Its participants and organisers talked to the HSE News Service about how they discuss China’s socio-economic, political, and cultural development as part of the club’s events.

‘The Point of Studying Economics Is to Work for the Greater Good in a World of Limited Resources’
Han Da Eun from South Korea and Yang Yi from China are fourth-year students of the Bachelor’s in Economics run by the HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences. The pair spoke to the HSE News Service about how they ended up in Russia and HSE University, their experiences of learning Russian, and how they’ve managed to succeed in subjects from mathematics to sociology in this difficult foreign language.

HSE Lyceum Student Participates in International Chinese Language Competition
HSE Lyceum senior Dmity Shcheglov was the first Lyceum student to participate in the international Chinese studies competition, which was held in Zhengzhou from October 17 to November 3. He placed among the top ten finalists from Europe.

From HSE to Asia: Students Head East to Study Abroad
The Master's Programme ‘Socioeconomic and Political Development of Modern Asia’ gives students the opportunity to study Asian countries not only in theory but in practice, thanks to academic mobility programmes at partner universities in China and other countries. HSE News Service spoke with three students of the programme about three aspects of their experiences—study, communication and food.

International Law School Student Forum in Beijing: HSE Students’ Impressions
In early December 2017, Beijing hosted an international law school student forum ‘One Belt – One Road’, which attracted students from European and Asian universities. Three students from the HSE Faculty of Law took part in the event. Danil Drozd, Natalia Subbotina, and Rozalya Sharipzyanova recently shared their impressions with the faculty’s news service.

HSE and China’s National Institute of Education Sciences Launch Joint Education Project
Russian and Chinese researchers will join forces to study the two countries’ education systems and develop possible strategies for their further modernisation over the period to 2030, in a new joint project set to run for a decade.
Russian-Chinese School — A Real International Event
The VII International Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Relations ‘Economic Instruments of Foreign Policy in the Modern World’ was held on July 6-13 at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs (Moscow) in full cooperation with the East China Normal University (Shanghai) and with the support of the Gorchakov Fund.
HSE Launches Site in Chinese
HSE recently committed to developing a Chinese version of the university’s Admissions site, which is the result of a joint effort by the Online Media Unit, the School of Asian Studies, and Chinese students at HSE. Rather than a ‘brochure-type’ webpage, the site contains nearly all information needed for Chinese students to enrol in undergraduate, Master’s and doctoral programmes offered by HSE. This means that a prospective students from China are not only able to read about HSE, but to complete an online form and even check whether they can receive a scholarship.
International Summer School on Educational Finance
The International Summer School on Educational Finance was held on July 3-10 in Beijing. The event was organized by HSE Institute of Education and the China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University (CIEFR). Questions of educational financing were considered in the context of globalization and assessing students’ educational achievements.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025