First in Russia Dissertation Council for Asian and African Studies Established at HSE University
Chaired by Dmitri Bondarenko, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute of Africa, and Director of theInternational Centre of Anthropology at the HSEFaculty of Humanities, the Dissertation Council comprises prominent Russian Orientalists and Africanists from HSE University and other leading institutions.

Production of the Future: AI Research Centre Presents Its Developments in Manual Operations Control Systems
Researchers from the HSE AI Research Centre have built a system for the automated control of manual operations, which finds application in industrial production. The system facilitates the process of monitoring objects and actions, as well as controlling the quality of their execution.

HSE University Satellites: Three Years in Orbit
In March 2024, HSE University celebrated an important milestone — the third anniversary of the successful operation in orbit of its first CubeSX-HSE and CubeSX-Sirius-HSE satellites. These spacecraft, created on the basis of the CubeSat platform for Earth observation, continue to function actively, confirming high technological standards and reliability of the university's developments.

HSE University and Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies Sign Cooperation Agreement
HSE University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Centre of Information and Arabian-Russian Studies (CIARS) of Saudi Arabia. The agreements reached will contribute to strengthening and advancement of cooperation in the areas of education, research, and culture between HSE University and scientific and educational institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Mathematicians Reveal the Mechanism behind Neuron Synchronisation: Hyperchaos
Scientists of the International Laboratory of Dynamic Systems and Applications at HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod have described a rare case of synchronisation in a system of chemically coupled neuron models. The study findings enable a mathematical description of atypical brain functioning modes, including those associated with neurodegenerative diseases. The study has been published in Regular and Chaotic Dynamics.

Russian Scientists Pioneer Accurate Mathematical Description of Quantum Dicke Battery
Physicists at HSE University and NUST MISIS have formulated and solved equations for a quantum battery, a device capable of storing energy in the form of light. Their findings will facilitate precise calculations of the capacity, power, and duration required for optimal battery charging. Quantum batteries are expected to improve the performance of solar panels and electric vehicles, while also opening up new avenues for efficient energy transfer. The study has been published in Physical Review A.

Inverse Relationship Found between Propensity to Innovate and Academic Success
Mariia Evdokimova and Anastasia Stepanova, employees of HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Sciences, studied the connection between students’ personal characteristics and their desire to create something new. The researchers have found that students’ propensity to innovate lowers their GPA. The results of the work were published in the preprint ‘Students’ Propensity to Innovate: Correlates, Determinants, and Impact on GPA.’

Cognitive Reappraisal of Negative Emotions Can Help Manage Stress
Researchers at the HSE International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology assessed the effectiveness of two strategies for regulating emotions: reappraisal and suppression. Having analysed data on the electrical activity of 60 individuals’ brains, the scientists discovered that both approaches put additional strain on the nervous system. It was also found that individuals who are prone to emotional contagion tend to be more effective in using reappraisal and managing negative emotions. The paper has been published in Experimental Brain Research.
WYF 2024 Participants Together with HSE Experts Assemble a Satellite Model Using Blockchain Technology
Participants at the World Youth Festival, together with HSE University specialists, have developed a working model of a small spacecraft using blockchain technology. Future engineers aged 14-18 from Algeria, Serbia, and Kyrgyzstan, as well as different regions of Russia took part in this project.

Scientists Devise Cheaper and Easier Method for Synthesising Layered Rare Earth Hydroxides—'Chemical Sandwiches’
Researchers at HSE University and the RAS Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry have developed a simplified and cost-effective method for synthesising layered rare earth hydroxides using propylene oxide. This reagent helps streamline the process and reduce its duration by several hours. In the future, this method is expected to facilitate the synthesis of various hydroxide-based hybrid materials, including photocatalysts for water purification and luminescent materials for solid-phase thermometers. The paper has been published in the Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.